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Product NameModel NumberDescriptionProduct TypeCancellation DateReplacement Model Number(If applicable)Last Service Renewal DateLast Order DateLast Ship DateEnd of RepairStatus
Call Box RF Kit HK2079A HK2080AVHF/UHF Call Box RF Kit "FKP Port E Version" Subscriber06/30/2024 06/30/202406/30/202412/31/2024June 2028Draft
CPS 25 KHz LicensesHKVN4180A / HKVN4181A / HKVN4182A / HKVN4183ACPS 25 KHz licenses for HT, CDM, PR860, CP200,PR400,PM400, CM200,CM300, CP185 radios 07/20/2023N/A07/20/202307/20/202307/20/2023July 2023Draft
   Data     January 1900Published
   Data     January 1900Published
   Data     January 1900Published
   Data     January 1900Published
   Data     January 1900Published
CP200dAAH01QDC9JA2ANCP200d, 403-470 4W ND ANALOG Subscriber9/8/2023R2 AAH11JDC9JC2AN MOTOTRBO R2 136-174M 5W NKP ANALOG 9/8/20239/8/20239/30/2023September 2028Published
CP200dAAH01JDC9JC2ANCP200d, 136-174 5W ND ANALOGSubscriber9/8/2023R2 AAH11JDC9JC2AN MOTOTRBO R2 136-174M 5W NKP ANALOG9/8/20239/8/20239/30/2023September 2028Published
CP200dAAH01JDC9JA2ANCP200d, 136-174 5W NDSubscriber9/8/2023R2 AAH11JDC9JA2AN MOTOTRBO R2 136-174M 5W NKP9/8/20239/8/20239/30/2023September 2028Published
Business LightCLP1010E RMU2080 RMU2043 DLR1060 CLP1080E RMU2080D CLS1413 RDM2070D CLS1110 RMU2040 DTR600 RDU4100 CLS1410 RMV2080 DTR720 RDU4103 CLS1810 RMM2050 DLR1020 RDU4160D CLS1810T CLP1013E DLR1060 RDV5100 DTR700 CLP1083E DLR1020 VL50 CLP1010E RMU2080 RMU2043 DLR1060 CLP1080E RMU2080D CLS1413 RDM2070D CLS1110 RMU2040 DTR600 RDU4100 CLS1410 RMV2080 DTR720 RDU4103 CLS1810 RMM2050 DLR1020 RDU4160D CLS1810T CLP1013E DLR1060 RDV5100 DTR700 CLP1083E DLR1020 VL50 Subscriber4/7/2023Contact VAD Distributor4/7/20234/7/20234/7/2023April 2023Published
Call Box RF KitHK2081A800/900 MHz Call Box RF Kit "FKP Port E Version"Subscriber9/30/2023 9/30/20239/30/202310/31/2023October 2028Published
XPR 7580eAAH56UCN9RB1AN806-941 MHz FKP EnabledSubscriber9/30/2023AAH06UCC9RB1AN 806-941 MHz NKP Enabled AAH06UCN9RB1AN 806-941 MHz FKP Enabled9/30/20239/30/202310/31/2023October 2028Published
XPR 7580eAAH56UCN9WB1AN806-941 MHz FKP CapableSubscriber9/30/2023AAH06UCC9WB1AN 806-941 MHz NKP Capable AAH06UCN9WB1AN 806-941 MHz FKP Capable9/30/20239/30/202310/31/2023October 2028Published
XPR 7380eAAH56UCC9RB1AN806-941 MHz NKP EnabledSubscriber9/30/2023AAH06UCC9RB1AN 806-941 MHz NKP Enabled AAH06UCN9RB1AN 806-941 MHz FKP Enabled9/30/20239/30/202310/31/2023October 2028Published
XPR 7380eAAH56UCC9WB1AN806-941 MHz NKP CapableSubscriber09/30/2023AAH06UCC9WB1AN 806-941 MHz NKP Capable AAH06UCN9WB1AN 806-941 MHz FKP Capable09/30/202309/30/202310/31/2023October 2028Published
CP185AAH03KEF8AA7AN, AAH03RDF8AA7AN136-174 MHZ 16CH 5W BLACK 435-480 MHZ 16CH 4W BLACKSubscriber3/31/2023There is no direct replacement model at this time. Please consider the CP100d two-way radio.3/31/20233/31/20236/30/2023June 2028Published
SLR 5700 VHF and UHF, UHF2AAR10JCGANQ1AN, AAR10QCGANQ1AN, AAR10TCGANQ1AN136-174M, 1-50 W, 403-470M, 1-50 W, 450-512M, 1-50 WSubscriber3/7/2023AAR10JCGANQ1BN, AAR10QCGANQ1BN, AAR10TCGANQ1BN3/7/20233/7/20233/7/2023March 2028Published
CLP1010E, RMU2080, RMU2043, DLR1060, CLP1080E, RMUCLP1010E, RMU2080, RMU2043, DLR1060, CLP1080E, RMU2080D, CLS1413, RDM2070D, CLS1110, RMU2040, DTR600, RDU4100, CLS1410, CLS1810, CLS1810T, DTR700, RMV2080, RMM2050, CLP1013E, CLP1083E, DTR720, DLR1020, DLR1060, RDU4103, RDU4160D, RDV5100, VL50Business Light Repair ServicesSubscriber4/7/2023Contact VAD Distributor4/7/20234/7/20234/7/2023April 2028Draft
SL 7590eAAH81WCN9TB2AN900MHz (896-941MHz) 2W DisplaySubscriber11/15/2021There is no direct replacement that combines both form factor and capability. Other MOTOTRBO radios can be considered depending on customer requirements. For form factor, consider SL 3500e. For similar capability consider XPR 7000e.11/15/202111/15/202112/31/2021December 2026Published
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Important Note: Following product cancellation, Motorola Solutions will make commercially reasonable efforts to support hardware repair for the maximum durations as highlighted in the table. These durations are not guaranteed and may change at no notice depending on demand and related component availability. Following the period of commercially reasonable effort, no further attempts will be made to source parts outside of the Motorola Solutions Repair Centres.